Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I hate school

I read a friend's blog 2 days ago.

"I mean we’re in freaking high school. By the end of the year, you guys are going to hate each others guts. That’s just the way life is, live with it. And please don’t get mad at me when I fail miserably at hiding my laughter. "

Thoughts on this one:
She's 120% right. In highschool, there's really no point in devoting yourself to someone else who you are FOR SURE not going to end up with. The odds someone will marry their highschool sweetheart is zip to none.. & even if it does, remember that the average marriage lasts about 10 years. Uh, fail much? If you met that person in highschool and stayed with them for the rest of your life, you would be so sick of seeing their face in the morning 70 years later. So why waste your life on someone else? Just a thought. & obviously this doesn't apply to EVERYONE.

I've been really down these couple of days and it's starting to show through in my grades, actions, and breakdowns. Maybe I should go get checked for bi-polar disorder.

I'm sitting here wondering if I'm dreaming or that I really am only a sophomore in high school. It feels like it's been lifetimes since we've begun learning. I wish this was Hogwarts.

Plain and simple: