Saturday, January 30, 2010

I love Green.

Out of all the pretty colors in the world, I have to say. Green is definitely not my color. I can only wear certain shades of olive green:( But I did find MY PERFECT green on a cute little dress yesterday! Haha(:

I love green eyes.
I think they have so much depth to them.
It's kinda mysterious.
I don't know how to describe it.
I'm gonna fake a pair of green eyes with contacts>:D

I'm really happy this weekend♥

Friday, January 29, 2010


In time.
I tell myself things like that.
In time, I'll figure it out.
Stuff won't be complicated.
Life will be simple.

It still hasn't happened.

I try, try my best to make everyone happy.
I really love [almost] everyone around me..

I'd be super happy if a couple of my friends worried less. I wanna tell them they're super cute & pretty and awesome and that they need to see it in themselves. That grades aren't the most important thing on this earth. That things will work out for the best!! They always do. God has a reason for everything in life.

Guys confuse me a lot.
Sometimes someone's super nice. Sometimes they're super mean? How can you tell when someone's being themselves. I need someone there for me, but I don't need someone who feels obligated to fake it. Life's too short to be someone you're not. But I have .. a general idea what I want right now(:

We'll see . .
if my stupidity ruins it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's raining.

I moved to Xanga, Tumblr, and now I'm using all three and writing in my diary. Hm. Well, I guess this one is for personal thoughts?
It's raining outside.
That hasn't happened in a while.

I'm one of those weird odd people who love the rain.
It's so quiet and peacefull after the rainfall.
Everything feels like it's been washed anew.
A new beginning.

Is that what I need right now?
I'm not really sure anymore.
I'm struggling with so many things I don't know what's real and what isn't.
I have my blonde moments but my life is turning into one.

January is ending, fast.
Take a deep breathe and let the first month of 2010 slowly wither away.