Sunday, September 20, 2009

Um.. what?

I really really love grape popsicles.

I've never realized how good running feels.
It really reminds me of life.. it sucks at the beginning but [ hopefully ] gets better and better. The high. The rush of wind. Each step takes you further. Closer to your goals. Yep. I'm really starting to like track.


So I have a rather interesting story to tell.
Today was quite an intriguing one.

So my parents like totally ran out of food. Like, there was nothing left in the fridge. So we end up heading for Chinatown at like.. 8 in the morning? I'm not quite sure why, they just drove. Okay, so we're like walking to the veggie section and it's starting to smell like crap. Uhm, okay, it's really ghetto so no worries right? The further I walk, the worse it smells. I look over to the right and about 20 feet away from me, this old woman is holding her nose pointing to this .. brown mass on the ground telling this Mexican worker to clean it up. I hate the phrase "lmao" but okay I seriously started laughing like the world was ending.

Someone took a dump in the freaking middle of the store.

Is that normal to you?
The cleanup guy really made me laugh.
"I cleaned the floors this morning!!! Where did that come from?!"

*Here I was thinking 'Uhhh from someone's ASS maybe?'*

So he then says:
"It must have fallen from someone's basket.."

I LOL-ed right there.
Yes, normal people just cary sh!t around with them everywhere they go in baskets. How awesome is this world.

So that's my two cents and story of the day.
I have to say, my dad got pretty freaked out.
The only thing he said was "We're not coming back here."