Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stranger in a Strange Land

I remember that phrase from a vignette novel I read back in 5th grade. Today, I thought about what exactly it meant.

Today. October 1st, 2009 was the first time I've ever realized I'm a foreigner. Okay, yeah that sounds rather blonde of me [ no pun intended ] but it's true. I've never truly given it much thought at all. It was during 7th period. Maybe I was bored & just a little tired of school. It's the end of the day, come on. I looked around and noticed for the first time how many people in our class had blonde hair.

I guess I finally realized I stuck out like a sore thumb.
Haha. Uhm. On a day like October 1st, no other..
Happy Birthday motherland. Today is your day.

As for me, well.
I know where my viewpoints stand.
I know who I am.

But I know I should maybe do a little more digging.