Sunday, April 25, 2010


I guess growing up, there have been people who've told me I'm past my years. I never really understood what that meant, but they say sometimes I'm a little too mature for my own good. Perhaps, but I'd rather not follow the trend of stupidity that teenagers seem to go down.

I know this girl and we share so many common characteristics, down to her ethnicity. It's so odd, but we've even gone through the same phases. I can see how environments truly affect the person because I've moved out of that awful influence into a better one while she had to strive and make her way through it. There was a time in my life where I believed that nothing was good enough for me. I thought life sucked and that I was "suffering" and no one understood what I was going through. Immature thoughts like that occured almost every day throughout my younger teenage years. I wish I could go back and just slap myself.

She ended up getting a shitload of tattoos and piercings to express her "pain". Now I'm usually not a person to judge because I believe everybody has a right to do whatever they feel, but going crazy defacing yourself is not something I'm going to just support. Not only are you TRULY defacing yourself, you WILL regret it in 10 years no matter what you think right now! It's downright nasty, which is why people are saying things like that. Who wants to see an inked girl running around? It's not attractive in any way, and all it does is make adults and people who are trying to hire you an impression that you're not the best person in the world.

I no longer want a tattoo, unless it's a tiny one hidden from view. But then, what's the point right?

I've gone through many phases.
I'd like to think I'm at one that I will stay at, for a long time to come.
But it's all these things put together that have made me who I am today, and yeah I'm happy for that. I've gotten to know myself a lot better for that matter & as of now, I just don't give a shit what people have to say about me. I do what I want to do, because if you really cared about me, you wouldn't be talking shit.

This summer, I want to live.