Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To the dearest.

I miss you.
I'm not gonna lie, I really really do.
Especially now as I listen to these songs.
Will you ever forgive me?

Probably not.
I know you want nothing to do with me anymore.
I was just a nuisance to you anyways.

I just wish you'd take the time.
Take the time to listen to what I had to say.
What was important to me.
You never really knew me did you?

I guess you could say the same for me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

6 Weeks

First term is [ALMOST] over!!

Region tryouts are on Saturday & I'M SCARED.
I'm supposed to be doing homework/studying.. but ehh.
Here I am blogging & on Youtube.

Procrastination at it's max.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Stress is a good thing when there isn't a boulder weighing on your shoulders. She's a little sick of her life currently.

I miss being a child. I miss those childish worry-free days. I miss Disney. I miss the carnivals that would stop by in Sharpstown mall, the trips with dad to the dog park downtown, the frequent stops at random cafes for shaved ice. I miss the homeworkless days with no testing or worries about where you're going in three years.

What happened to those days?

I looked back on something & realized how much I truly missed music.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blackest White

S u c k e d .
Truly worried. So truly worried.
My heart's going nonstop. What shall I do?
I messed it up myself.
I just need to try.
I want to let go.
I've wondered for a while now: Where have the stars gone?
They seem to have all disappeared.
I wasted a Saturday.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I long for you.
Only. 9 more months?
I miss my childish dreams.
The ones you never knew couldn't come true.
Things you REALLY wanted.
Not money. Not fame.
Nope. Just happiness.
Where is my happiness?
If I'm lost, would you come find me?
If I wanted to leave, would you follow?
Part of myself belongs to you.
I just kinda wish you knew.
Starbucks flows through my veins.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Houston, where'd you go?
I think Seattle has hit without us noticing.

Things spiral downward all at once.
I wonder if they still would if we had no gravity.

We've entered the sleeping season.
The trees sway in the wind like they're drifting off;
Kinda like me in 5th period.


We all walk down the same big road.
Some of us wander off into the trees, some find a new intersection. Some of us move at slower paces and some of us have finally found what's past that horizon.

But we all start from the same place.
A million miles away, standing on solid ground heading to a place we hope to call Eden.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

& up the wind Blew

I wonder why I like the cold.
I like feeling warm inside and chilly outside.

Today sucked.
I had an epiphany today.
That fixes about 40% of my problems.
60% more to go...

Life heads in the wrong direction 120% of the time.
Why me?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Strawberry Flavoured

I like the rain.
I like how peaceful it is before, during, and after a big storm.
I like riding around in a car while it drizzles, but I hate driving during a storm. It gives you a nice clean feeling afterwards to walk in the rain. When I'm sad, I actually go swinging while it pours. Which is quite dangerous actually.

Let's all welcome the Fall Equinox.
Hi there Autumn, I missed you. :)
Thanks for taking away this disgusting Houston weather.

I realized today that Hello Panda and Yan-Yan are the exact same thing. The only difference is that one is a round cookie and the other is a biscuit. I like the strawberry ones.

I wonder how ancient Egyptians did math better than I can.

Sleep? If you're listening to me now, I miss you so much.
Starbucks & Monster aren't nearly as dear to me as you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Sound of Music

Music is the glue that holds all life together.

It doesn't matter where we are, who we are, how we live, what we're thinking. Music needs no language. It has no boundaries. It simply is.

On another note, ironic things in life seem to happen to me. Good things convert to bad things and bad things become good. Does Karma exist? If so, I probably missed that question on my WHAP test.

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me.

There's been a guy on my mind for a while now.

& hey guess what?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Um.. what?

I really really love grape popsicles.

I've never realized how good running feels.
It really reminds me of life.. it sucks at the beginning but [ hopefully ] gets better and better. The high. The rush of wind. Each step takes you further. Closer to your goals. Yep. I'm really starting to like track.


So I have a rather interesting story to tell.
Today was quite an intriguing one.

So my parents like totally ran out of food. Like, there was nothing left in the fridge. So we end up heading for Chinatown at like.. 8 in the morning? I'm not quite sure why, they just drove. Okay, so we're like walking to the veggie section and it's starting to smell like crap. Uhm, okay, it's really ghetto so no worries right? The further I walk, the worse it smells. I look over to the right and about 20 feet away from me, this old woman is holding her nose pointing to this .. brown mass on the ground telling this Mexican worker to clean it up. I hate the phrase "lmao" but okay I seriously started laughing like the world was ending.

Someone took a dump in the freaking middle of the store.

Is that normal to you?
The cleanup guy really made me laugh.
"I cleaned the floors this morning!!! Where did that come from?!"

*Here I was thinking 'Uhhh from someone's ASS maybe?'*

So he then says:
"It must have fallen from someone's basket.."

I LOL-ed right there.
Yes, normal people just cary sh!t around with them everywhere they go in baskets. How awesome is this world.

So that's my two cents and story of the day.
I have to say, my dad got pretty freaked out.
The only thing he said was "We're not coming back here."


Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Beauty of Pain

Today is the perfect day.
Not quite sunny. Whistling wind. The clouds are hinting rain.

l'automne est ma saison préférée de l'année.

Makes me wonder what I'm doing sitting here.
I feel inspired. I want to make something that lets people know I exist.
Fitting in is boring.

I'd love to go out somewhere alone.
Just me, camera, the sky above and the dirt below.
I wonder where that will take me.

Friday, September 18, 2009

C'est moi.

K a t h y [noun] ;
Simple minded. A 15 year old who wishes she could fly. Loves life, hates school. Music ADDICT. Ex-artiste. Time traveler. Photography. Kisses. Cool nail polish. Yummy Mexican food. Poppys.


Confused. When is she ever not?
Dreams are wishes your heart makes.
She dreams of you.
Her eyes flutter open to the morning rays.
Your face is gone.

Daytime is when my nightmares happen.